Tuesday 14 October 2008

mixtapes people have made me.

M I X T A P E ( 1 )

My favourites from this mixtape are 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, and 13.

M I X T A P E ( 2 )

My favourites from this mixtape are tracks 7, 8, 9, 14, and 15.

Wow, that took some T I M E to upload. They're both really different. I'm not going to say who made them for me.

I'm getting more people to make me mixtapes too. If you want to make one for me, feel free!

It's weird, the concept of a mixtape. We make them to impress our friends, or a girl or boy, and try to show them music they might like but really it's you that likes all the music and you just want the recipient to think you're well cool, like. wow, sorry this post isn't that funny. I've made up for it though. Click below.

In Other News...Skaghead Elephant

(oh, and remember; you should actually buy music sometimes, folks. Buy it here or here or here. If you like music, help the people that make it to keep on doing their shit.)

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